João Tomás Simões

Freelancer Photographer

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I don't even know what to write here. Seriously.
Well, I hope you're having a good day. Keep scrolling!


My work goes far beyond what I post on social networks or what has already been shown on the homepage of this website.
That's why I decided to put all my best shots in a portfolio in just one page, to show a little summary of everything I've done so far and also to demonstrate what I'm capable of doing.

To see my complete work, just click here and enjoy it: My Portfolio


After the capture process and after the original photos (without editing) are delivered to the client, the photos are always submitted to a selection (made by photographer and/or model) and editing process that is also made by me.

My editing style is a bit to the dark side, a bit gloomy, with the purpose of highlighting the feelings that I want to bring with that photograph. I occasionally make some B&W edtion too, especially when I feel that the photograph expresses itself better without color or when I don't want the colors to be a distraction for those who are interpreting my photo.

Some examples of my edition can be seen below, with the original image on the left and the edited and finished image on the right:

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Instagram is the social media I most often use to publish my work, but I have other social networks you can still follow to continue to see my work. Also feel free to use them to contact me.

  Facebook   Instagram   Youtube   500px   LinkedIn


Location: Aveiro, Portugal (3810-104)


If you still have any further questions that have not been answered, feel free to contact me by filling out this form.
You can also use this field to give me your feedback, make suggestions or even ask for a quote.